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joi, 18 noiembrie 2010

J-rock day today

La multi ani, Aoi! La mai multi ani!

Adica azi implinim 2 ani (oficial) de j-rock. Putin pe langa altii, ce`i drept, but hey! I`m so glad we made it. =] Now, Gackt, L`arc en Ciel, MYV, The Pillows, BECR and AKFG. Back to the first ones. Also the GazettE and girugamesh. =D
Bine, am ales ziua asta aproximativ, practic noi ascultam de prin octombrie, but we were really hooked up by this time 2 years ago.

Aoi, ai rabu yuu dood. And thank you. (´v`) Let`s never stop!
I`m off~~!! ( ' ^ ' ) b

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