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miercuri, 24 noiembrie 2010

So very tired (´Д`;)ヾ

(  ̄っ ̄)

↑ my face exactly, as we speak.

Azi am dormit toata ziua la scoala. De ce? Sleepover the night before. Ar fi trebuit sa fie noapte de studiu, but we ended up watching horror movies. Si TeleM. ┐(´ー`)┌ Dimineata eram, toate patru, rupte in plexu` plexului. Oricum azi am facut scoala de ne`am rupt. /sarcasm

ヽ(・∀・)人(・∀・)ノ ♪ ♫

Parca is putin mai treaza totusi acu, ma mir ca pot sa scriu ceva coerent. xD Oh well. We had a lot of fun, in fact. So I don`t regret being tired right now. Nu am mai ras asa de secole, damn!

Death Glare! Mai waifu. xDD omglolnoshehatesme

Creca am sa`mi schimb iar semnatura. Asta cum arata? (σ ̄ー ̄)σ e smecher :> e asa...DIGGITY. Fuck yeah!

Ahem. I`m off~! (σ ̄ー ̄)σ

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